Author: Chris Hunter

What is Stagflation? Is it a threat to your business?

There is a lot of talk in the media presently about ‘stagflation’. It’s a word that has been around for several decades, particularly in connection with the economy in Japan. The current speculation is whether the British economy is at risk from the phenomenon and what the actual effects of ‘stagflation’ actually are? The Japanese […]

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The Renters Reform Bill – What you need to know

What is the Renters’ Reform Bill? In its 2019 manifesto, the Government promised a “better deal for renters”, to include abolishing ‘no fault evictions’ and only requiring one ‘lifetime deposit’ to move with the tenant. The manifesto pledged to protect tenants from revenge evictions and rogue landlords, and to strengthen ‘good’ landlord’s rights of repossession. […]

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Alternative Dispute Resolution – Do you have a choice?

Civil disputes cover a wide range of situations for which people seek legal advice, such as contractual disputes, contentious probate, landlord and tenant disputes and employment law matters. Often, the claimant and/or defendant have had little choice but to seek legal advice to protect their interests and hopefully achieve an outcome in their favour. The […]

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