Is December a bad month for getting things done? In recent years there has been a slow but definite trend, within the legal sector, from the month being regarded as a bit of a write off, to being something more interesting in terms of getting preparations in place for the great return to work in January and seeing a spike in new business enquiries.

We are starting to receive more instructions from business owners and private individuals, taking advantage of the drop-off in their workloads, to finally get to grips with projects and problems they have sat on during the busy periods. The type of instructions we see picking up in December can be quite diverse, varying from business disputes which have been ‘managed but not resolved’, commercial property instructions for those planning to move premises in the New Year, through to businesses trying to get their paperwork, contracts and terms of business sorted out before January.

We also, sadly but inevitably, get initial enquiries about Divorce and Mediation as the approaching Christmas break starts to play on people’s minds.

The common thread running through all of this is that instead of sticking their collective heads in the sand or waiting for the Festive Season to blow over, people are now taking a much more sensible approach and starting to put the groundwork in during December, so they have a head start in January. It makes sense and reduces the stress of having to start from scratch whilst trying to deal with a wave of new enquiries come early 2019.

Need some legal advice on a business or personal matter? Instruct rhw now and get it moving before Christmas comes around. Call or email