Giles Gillingham leads the firm?s Garden Centre and Horticultural Trade Legal Team and has over 15 years experience of acting for owners of Garden Centres and Nurseries, covering a wide range of issues.
Much of his team's work involves buying and selling Garden Centres, granting concession leases/licences, corporate refinancing and preparing planning agreements. Giles has also acted as an Expert Witness on a case involving the modification of covenants in a planning agreement relating to a garden centre which has helped to more closely define the nature of use as a garden centre.
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We broke new ground in 1997 as the first lawyers to exhibit at GLEE, to which we have returned regularly. We are Associate members of the Garden Centre Association and Horticultural Trade Association. The team also regularly contribute articles to trade publications on legal issues facing the Garden Centre and Horticultural Trade.
Our close involvement with and understanding of the needs of the Trade gives us a unique position from which we can assist your business.
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These are some of the areas where the team can offer advice:-