Martyn Whiteman heads up our General Medical Practitioners (GP) Law Team.
Martyn has acted for doctors over a number of years advising individual doctors and practices.
His work has covered a number of different areas of law;
Medical Partnership agreements:
This document is the lynch pin of how a practice is administered and operates. The negotiations leading up to its signing can be protracted, but it is important to ensure that the finished document accurately and fairly records what is agreed. Hopefully after signing, it can be put away and forgotten about. That is, until the day it becomes imperative that one; which correctly reflects what was agreed, is in existence.
If you are joining a partnership we can help you understand the consequence of the various terms that are proposed for the partnership deed, spell out and what happens when one partner wishes to retire, or is being forced to retire.
The NHS Regulations passed some years ago made it imperative that the provisions of the new contract with your local Primary Care Trust (PCT) were properly reflected in the partnership agreement. We have amended a number of older partnership deeds to cover these changes.
Partnership disputes:
We can assist in negotiating a settlement of a partnership dispute, if necessary obtaining injunctions to prevent certain unlawful behaviour which is detrimental to the practice; see the area on this site entitled Dispute Resolution
Joining or leaving a practice:
We can advise you on the heads of terms of any proposed deal and perhaps assist you in negotiating these, assist you in finding finance, advise you on the property aspects.
Staff contracts:
It is essential that you have up-to-date contracts and policies. This is a constantly changing area of law where regular specialist advice is essential. Employment disputes; see the area on this site entitled employment. Enforcing restrictive covenants (sometimes called binding out provisions) we can advise on the effectiveness or enforceability of any restrictive covenant.
We can advise generally on medical premises, or Primary Healthcare Premises.
"The service was exemplary, and by that I mean, whole hearted, clear, accurate and quick. There was superb professionalism and attention to detail throughout"