Forced Marriage - Update
From today, anyone forcing another person to marry an be subject to a seven year prison sentence.
From today, anyone forcing another person to marry an be subject to a seven year prison sentence.
Surrey Hills Chamber Choir strike Gold at Cheltenham Festival of Performing Arts.
rhw will have a team taking part in the Guildford Legal Walk 2014. It involves walking 10k through the Surrey countryside, starting at the Guildford Combined Court. The date of the walk is the 19th May 2014. Please help us raise funds to help raise funds for Surrey Law Centre which provides valuable legal services to the community.
If you would like to sponsor us please follow this link:…
New Family Courts have come into being in England and Wales as part of wider family justice system reforms. There are also new time frames for cases where children are taken into care and compulsory mediation awareness sessions for separating couples.
rhw will be on stand 35 at this years GMB at G Live. It's on May 14th. Come and say hallo! For more details of the event and how to register (it's FREE!) check here:
Early Conciliation – Enterprise and Regulatory Reform Act 2013
Buyers of an NHS Dental Practice need to be aware that they will have to go through the CQC registration process twice.
A number of changes to employment law took effect from 6 April this year. In addition, a couple of developments that we were expecting to happen in April have been delayed until later this year. Some of these changes are helpful to employers but others will lead to increased costs.
This year's Guildford Legal Walk will be held simultaneously with the London Legal Walk 2014.
rhw's Clive Barnard will be speaking at this FREE event to be held at Clandon Wood Natural Burial site on the 9th April. The seminar runs in morning and afternoon sessions. For full details and registration, please check the following link:
Dealing with clients' unpaid debts is an issue that all businesses will face at one time or another - the question is how to deal with them?
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