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legal updates NEW - Second Marriage & Wills

legal updates NEW - Second Marriage & Wills

Tags: legal updates

Getting married for a second time is a happy time. You may feel you are stuck between a rock and hard place - how can you provide for your new spouse (and any children from the marriage) while also ensuring that the children of your previous marriage receive an inheritance from you?

Forthcoming Events | rhw

Forthcoming Events | rhw

Tags: company news

Summary of upcoming events

International Womens Day

International Womens Day

Tags: company updates

rhw actively support all that International Womens Day stands for. As a business we encourage the development of womens rights, careers and development in and out of the work place. We also strive to deliver the best possible service for our female clients whether that be in through the Family, Private, Commercial or Employment sectors.

Changes to TUPE

Changes to TUPE

Tags: legal updates

On 31 January 2014, changes to the Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regulations 2006 (TUPE) came into force. TUPE applies to relevant transfers, which are defined as the sale and purchase of a business, or part of a business, and service provision changes.

Divorce Settlements

Divorce Settlements

When considering how to negotiate the best divorce settlement, there are now a number of options open to you beyond the traditional courtroom setting.

rhw - Wedding Fair Glive - 9th Feb

rhw - Wedding Fair Glive - 9th Feb

Tags: company news

rhw's Family and Private Teams will be at Glive this Sunday 9th Feb between 11.00am and 4.00pm to answer all your questions about planning for your future, pre nup agreements, wedding gifts and inheritance tax or on other Family or Private law matters. It's FREE entry. Come and say hallo! More details HERE.

rhw Family Law - Facebook

rhw Family Law - Facebook

rhw's Family Law Department have launched their first Facebook page.

NEW - Gifts: Attorneys & Deputies

NEW - Gifts: Attorneys & Deputies

New legal guide added to rhw's website on Gifts and the roles of Attorneys & Deputies

NEW - Wills & Trustees Guides

NEW - Wills & Trustees Guides

We have added new guides to our website on Wills and Trustees. Check our legal guides in the 'Individual' section.

rhw - Alternative Divorce Guide

rhw - Alternative Divorce Guide

Tags: company news

A short video describing some alternative approaches to divorce.

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