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Book Club Revamp

Book Club Revamp

Tags: company update

rhw see the return of it's Book Club. Revamped and better than before. We have decided to chose short novels and make it bi-monthly after initial monthly dates for the first two meetings to get everything up and running quickly.

Guildford Means Business

Guildford Means Business

Tags: company updates

rhw will be on stand 35 at this years GMB at G Live. It's on May 14th. Come and say hallo! For more details of the event and how to register (it's FREE!) check here:

International Womens Day

International Womens Day

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rhw actively support all that International Womens Day stands for. As a business we encourage the development of womens rights, careers and development in and out of the work place. We also strive to deliver the best possible service for our female clients whether that be in through the Family, Private, Commercial or Employment sectors.

rhw - Introductory Video

rhw - Introductory Video

Tags: company updates

A short video outlining a little about what we do. Watch this space for new improved video content later this year.

Full Steam Ahead in 2014

Full Steam Ahead in 2014

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Following the Christmas & New Year Break, rhw are now back fully engaged with 2014.

rhw - Lexcel & Centre of Excellence

rhw - Lexcel & Centre of Excellence

Tags: company update

rhw solicitors in Guildford has, one again, secured the national Law Society’s law management quality mark, Lexcel. Not only did rhw re-secure Lexcel they were accredited as a “Centre of Excellence”, which only a small percentage of law firms who gain Lexcel go on to achieve.

Selling Your House?

Selling Your House?

Tags: company update

If you are thinking of selling your house we suggest that you contact us before the property is put on the market. You need a quality solicitor. A home is usually the largest investment of your life. It's not a time to cut corners. You will have enough to manage in the move itself, with arranging and contacting for removal services, schools, utility companies etc without having to deal with the legal issues but if you still need reasons why you should involve rhw as early as possible, please read on:

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