Fathers Parental Rights – What you need to know
Rather then identifying father’s parental rights as such, the law in theUKtends to use the term ‘Parental Responsibility’. InScotlandthe term Parental Responsibility and Rights is used. What Parental Responsibility basically equates to, is the legal duty of care you have to protect and care for your child.
The rights of fathers to gain access their children are not set out in law in black and white. There is not a charter you can refer to. Within the framework of parental responsibility there are rights identified to allow you to contribute to decision making over your child’s future. These include giving consent to medical treatment, choosing their school, deciding how they should be brought up, choosing their name and choosing their religion.
Parental Responsibility for Fathers – How do you get it?
It can be very straightforward if both the mother and father agree. What you need to do in those circumstances is simply download, print off and sign (both parties) a Parental Responsibility Agreement and send it off to the court.
In the case where the mother does not agree to joint parental responsibility, an application to the court can be made for the fathers to gain parental responsibility. In considering an application the court will take into account:
the degree of commitment shown by the father to his child
the degree of attachment between father and child
the father’s reasons for applying for the order
At the end of the day the Court is bound to base decisions on what it considers to be in the best interests of the child.
Access to children – protecting your position
The rights to see children are often the priority for men who are separated from their ex-partner. If you can reach an agreement that is mutually acceptable with the mother then that is great. If you can’t reach an agreement then you can apply to the courts to order interim contact. InEnglandandWales, the first point in the court process at which this can be done is a directions hearing.
The court is there to facilitate an agreement between you and the child’s mother. This may involve a Cafcass (children and family court advisory and support service) officer. If you and your ex-partner cannot reach agreement, the court may make an order about care and contact.
Is the situation different for step Fathers?
Because of the difference in status, it can be very difficult for step fathers to maintain relationships with step-children after separation. If an agreement can be reached with the mother then that is great but if the mother refuses contact between the stepfather and the child it is possible to apply for a contact order if the child lived with the stepfather for at least three years.
How does the legal system deals with Fathers?
The legal system in theUK, in theory, treats mothers and fathers as equals. Like any other strand of society, individuals can have their own attitudes towards the value of mothers and fathers to a child’s upbringing. This can manifest itself in the Courts even without those passing judgement being aware of their internal bias. However, any decision made by the courts concerning a child’s upbringing, will always hold the welfare of the child as paramount.
It is rare for fathers to be denied contact with their children altogether in this day and age.