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Nick Richardson
- Member partner
- E:
- T: 01483 540550
- F: 01483 301242
About Nick Richardson:
Nick has been in practice since 1984 and heads up our company and commercial services team. He deals with private company work and general commercial matters including joint ventures, shareholders agreements, commercial agreements and buying and selling businesses (whether through sale of assets or shares of a company). He also has substantial experience of commercial property matters and partnerships both in terms of formation and retirement/dissolution.
Nick and his team work quite closely with other teams at rhw, particularly professional practices (doctors, dentists and vets) commercial property and employment concerning the practical ramifications of buying and selling businesses, including dental practices. Nick believes passionately in a sense of fairness and that the legal process should be kept as simple as possible.
He enjoys travel, water sports, photography, DIY, science fiction, motorcycling and looking after an ever-increasing menagerie at home, including cats, dogs, rabbits, fish and chickens. He is married and lives in Milford.