Margaret Mcdonald

T: 01483 540558
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About Margaret Mcdonald
Margaret moved from Ireland to Hampshire in the early 1970s and began her legal career in London. She has subsequently been employed by firms in Hampshire and Surrey. Margaret studied Law (ILEX) at Southampton Institute of Higher Education. Margaret has two adult children and lives in a small but active village in Hampshire.
She was a member of the team which published its first Village Design Statement. This is a document, made in conjunction with the district council, setting out the community’s aspirations for the future of the village. For 8 years Margaret was on the Village Hall Committee, either as secretary or as a member of the Social Committee. She has been the joint representative for ‘Hog the Limelight’ which is sponsored by Hampshire County Council, bringing art and music to local villages.
Margaret’s interests include cooking, gardening, history, reading and astronomy. She continues to make regular return visits to her family in Ireland and enjoys spending time with her son and daughter.