September, alongside May, is one of those months where it’s actually hard to find anything to dislike about it. We have no doubt a few kids heading back to school may disagree with that sentiment, but even then there is an element of the ‘new start’, a blank page being offered to you, where you can start afresh.
The weather is usually about as perfect as it’s going to get as well, though we acknowledge there are a few thunderstorms around as this is being written. The humidity usually drops off after the heat of July and August. The light takes on a gentle hue and the sunshine tends to be warm rather than ridiculously hot.
Where as some people still think of January as the month where you want to be trying to make a difference in your life, we regard that as a time of ‘survival’ really, as the dark nights seem to go on for an age and your next holiday seems an eternity away. If you are going to make a lifestyle change, get down the gym more, or give something up, you will have a much great chance of carrying it off if you start in September rather than at the start of miserable old January.
Within the church and educational circles, September is the start of the new year. It’s also one of the recognised peak times for enquiries about divorce from those who have found the summer holidays to be the final breaking point in their relationship. It’s the same after the Christmas holidays as well. A lot of time together can be the catalyst for a realisation that you may be living an illusion for the rest of the year.
It’s about positive change
On the more positive side (and let’s not forget, divorce can often bring about positive change for those involved when other options are no longer viable), September is also the time when businesses start to make plans for the rest of the year and also think about what 2023 will bring. That may all look very uncertain at the moment but scenario planning and delivering your plans are important for your business, even in times when there are a lot of unknowns.
The main point here is that we are in September and there is a recognisable shift in weather, attitudes and possibilities. This is when business is done. This is when, if you want to make a change in your life, then you just need to get on with it. rhw can help you with excellent, realistic and experienced legal advice. Contact our team on or call 01483 302000